Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics white logo SVG
Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics white logo SVG

Harnessing the value of data in collaboration


Enriching knowledge is our core business, sharing knowledge fuels our drive, and valorising knowledge is our pursuit. By affiliating with ECDA, you become an integral part of our ecosystem.

Government, industry, and academic organisations each uphold different principles, models, and objectives. Consequently, ECDA has developed a collaborative model, available in a range of bundled packages, to facilitate cooperation among these sectors without compromising business operations, the educational value for students, or the scientific independence of our research.

Being an ECDA partner offers several advantages:

  • Emerge yourself in state-of-the-art knowledge in the fields of AI, data, and digitisation.
  • Engage with our student community to gain an innovative perspective.
  • Participate in ongoing and new research, collaborating with dedicated scientists experienced in data science, data visualisation, and data engineering across various domains.
  • Use our skills and expertise for seminars, workshops, and training needs – within open programmes or tailored to your specific organisational context.
  • Become a part of an ecosystem alongside a diverse range of public and private partners.
  • Access the Erasmus Data Collaboratory as a physical hub for meetings, training, and co-creation events.
  • Participate in innovation challenges within ECDA’s Data Sandbox environment, using a secure and impartial platform for data sharing, analyses, and Proof of Concept (POC) development. This facilitates identifying business prospects and achieving societal impact through student teams and accomplished faculty members.

However, a partnership with ECDA is not a one-way street. We expect our partners to help us enhance our academic curriculum with real-world business challenges and datasets. Collaborate on building various repositories containing use cases, metadata sets, and algorithms, while contributing expertise and knowledge for research and educational purposes. Ideally, our endeavours contribute, in some measure, to societal progress in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We offer four types of partnerships: affiliate partnerships. associate partnerships, full partnerships, and technology partnerships


Erasmus University Rotterdam campus

Share insights and findings for greater impact

Share and collaborate on research projects to exchange expertise and jointly tackle global wicked problems.


Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics Government

Lead the way in data privacy, governance and regulations

Be involved with the latest trends in data analytics and artificial intelligence to effectively guide and regulate the development to prevent negative externalities of the untested technologies.


Gain a competitive edge in the new digital economy

Providing technology to enable businesses and startups to collaborate directly with the leading experts in the field in order to enhance your business performance.


Enabling state-of-art education and research
Provide technology to enable best in class education and research facility. Introduce and train students and the academic community on your tools.


Share insights and findings for greater impact
Share and collaborate on research projects to exchange expertise and jointly tackle global wicked problems.


Lead the way in data privacy, governance and regulations
Be involved with the latest trends in data analytics and artificial intelligence to effectively guide and regulate the development to prevent negative externalities of the untested technologies.


Gain a competitive edge in the new digital economy
Access the latest academic insights and collaborate directly with the leading experts in the field to enhance your business performance.


Enabling state-of-art education and research
Provide technology to enable best in class education and research facility. Introduce and train students and the academic community on your tools.

Actively collaborating with:

Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics white logo SVG

Become a partner

Leading the way together

Become a partner

Leading the way together

Join to benefit from:

Access to talent

Thought leadership

Engage with academics and alumni

Education and training

Data challenges & hackathons

Collaborate in research

Access Erasmus Data Collaboratory

Learn from our partners

According to our founding partners

One of our key strengths is the ability to identify the potential of data that may already be available in your organisation. At ECDA we recognise that potential and facilitate cross-industry public and private partnerships to exchange knowledge, ideas and opportunities.

Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics Coolblue Logo


‘We measure everything’ Online retailer Coolblue is a founding partner and will work with ECDA for at least three years. Pieter Zwart, founder and CEO said: “At Coolblue, we measure everything and continuously use this data to amaze our customers. As a partner of ECDA, we’ll continue to exchange knowledge in the field of data analytics with academics and students.


ING has ambitions to use advanced analytics in its operations globally. Annerie Vreugdenhil, head of innovation at ING Wholesale Banking: “Academic partnerships ensure that we are inspiring our people to innovate at the cutting edge, enabling them to build differentiating experiences for our customers. The Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics provided the ING team with the content, context and coaching necessary to actively contribute to our goals.”

Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics ING Logo white
Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics Gemeente Rotterdam logo

City of Rotterdam

Alderman Barbara Kathmann is vice-mayor of economy, districts and small localities: “Cities need to establish a strategy, build their analytics capacity, and work with partners, including academia, to establish a data commons that can benefit all. The collaboration with ECDA helps the municipality to become more data-driven. Multidisciplinary teams participate in the training programmes and develop a concrete proof of concepts; it’s hands-on training.”

According to our founding partners

One of our key strengths is the ability to identify the potential of data that may already be available in your organisation. At ECDA we recognise that potential and facilitate cross industry public and private partnerships to exchange knowlegde, ideas and opportunities.

Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics Coolblue Logo

‘We measure everything’ Online retailer Coolblue is a founding partner and will work with ECDA for at least three years. Pieter Zwart, founder and CEO said: “At Coolblue, we measure everything and continuously use this data to amaze our customers. As a partner of ECDA, we’ll continue to exchange knowledge in the field of data analytics with academics and students.

Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics ING Logo white

ING has ambitions to use advanced analytics in its operations globally. Annerie Vreugdenhil, head of innovation at ING Wholesale Banking: “Academic partnerships ensure that we are inspiring our people to innovate at the cutting edge, enabling them to build differentiating experiences for our customers. The Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics provided the ING team with the content, context and coaching necessary to actively contribute to our goals.”

Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics Gemeente Rotterdam logo

Alderman Barbara Kathmann is vice-mayor of economy, districts and small localities: “Cities need to establish a strategy, build their analytics capacity, and work with partners, including academia, to establish a data commons that can benefit all. The collaboration with ECDA helps the municipality to become more data-driven. Multidisciplinary teams participate in the training programmes and develop a concrete proof of concepts; it’s hands-on training.”
