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AI in International Commodity Trade

AI in International Commodity Trade

Global trade in physical commodities is valued around 4.8 Trillion US$ per year. This is just a fraction of the value of trade in financial derivatives. The role of trade is to reconcile mismatches in demand and supply in which traders transform commodities in time, space and form. Global commodity trade can be considered a complex system and includes a) the production and extraction of the commodity b) the shipping and distribution the commodity; c) the processing of commodities and the delivery to customers for end use (retailing) d) inputs in further manufacturing processes (e.g. food, cosmetics, chemistry, steel) and e) financial and technological systems that facilitates transactions, the settlement of (forward) prices and advanced data analytics in support of decision-making. The practice will focus on the use of advanced analytics and AI in commodity markets and physical supply networks. Understanding on how digital technology and innovations are impacting upon the business model of the commodity trading industry and provide leaders with decision making tools to manage these within their company.

Research Projects

  1. Price forecasting
  2. Risk management
  3. Supply chain modeling
Wouter Jacobs

Wouter Jacobs PhD

Academic Director at EUR & Export Practice Director of AI in International Commodity Trade


  • Wouter Jacobs PhD – Academic Director of the Leadership in Commodity Trade and Supply Networks program at Erasmus University Rotterdam