This week we organized the finals of the Leadership Challenge with Data Analytics, Education track, that finished of with a bang in the Euromast.
Congratulations to all the participants from the 7 teams from diverse educational institutions for completing our programme and for the great pitches. Aeres Hogeschool Dronten, Deltion College, Fontys University, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)
🏆 Special congratulations to Deltion College for being the overall winner of the challenge!! JaapJan Vroom, AnneMarie Bennen-Versloot, Jorik Kamphof, Sylvia Kasperink, Marcella Withagen Ewoud van Helden.
Thank you to all our expert speakers during the finale: Hylke Sprangers, Farshida Zafar, Julia Janssen
Thank you to all the coaches: Iuliana Sandu, Els van de Kar, Farshida Zafar, Noeky Karreman, Haydee Sheombar, Mirjam van de Woerdt, Justian Knobbout.
Also great to see so many programme alumni from the previous edition, coming back to support our teams and to be inspired by new ideas. The teams followed our signature programme on data analytics within the Education field, organized in collaboration with our partner SURF.
Here research-based insights from leading academics are combined with industry and inspiring best practice applications for using data and AI within Education. All teams can work on challenges within their own educational organization.
Interested to explore how to master data within your educational institution? We are starting the subscriptions for the new edition soon.