
The Leadership Programme on Immersive Technologies (XR)  is a transformative initiative that equips leaders and practitioners with the knowledge and skills to leverage immersive technologies effectively. Through a series of modules and hands-on activities, participants will explore the strategic integration of XR, unlocking innovative solutions that enhance training, decision-making, collaboration, and user experiences across diverse industries. This programme fosters a community of early adopters and innovators, inspiring collaboration and driving impactful digital transformation.


This programme is tailored for leaders and practitioners across various sectors, including educational institutes, retail, transportation, logistics, healthcare, government, and the culture and creative sector. Ideal attendees encompass a spectrum of roles, from content designers and developers to innovation leads, digital experts, and business or policy makers. The event offers a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange among diverse professionals, fostering the development of cutting-edge solutions and strategies. Additionally, the presence of an internal sponsor, such as a Chief Digital Officer, Chief Information Officer, or Chief Technology Officer, adds valuable insight and support, enhancing the potential for impactful outcomes.

Immersive Technologies.

Digital Humans
Mixed Reality
Spatial Computing

Extended Reality (XR).

These immersive technologies, referred to as XR (Extended Reality), find applications in various fields, including gaming, education, healthcare, training, simulations, and entertainment, among others. They continue to evolve, offering new possibilities for how people interact with digital content and the world around them.

Learning Objectives.

XR Insights

Inspire participants into the potential use and impact of Immersive  Technologies (in short XR)  across several domains and use cases.

Tech Fusion

Create understanding in how to build a digital XR strategy and
realize value from the use immersive technology

Tech Awareness

Develop a critical perspective, understand dilemmas and risks in the use of these technologies.

Tech Insight

Build tech understanding and explore organizational change.

Peer Insights

Learn from industry peers, academics and XR startups.

XR Community

Build a community of early adopters, changemakers and innovators.

Unique Elements.

Diverse Topics

A holistic set-up offering a wide range of topics with renowned international speakers.

Tech Demos

Explore immersive tech demos for inspiration.

Team Projects

Small team collaboration to apply learnings to immersive projects.

Peer Learning

Peer-learning and outside-in perspective for participant inspiration.

Global Appeal

International appeal, making it interesting for a diverse audience.

City Dive

Explore Rotterdam’s Immersive Tech experiences.

XR Innovation Project.

Participants bring their own XR innovation challenge or opportunity to work on during the programme. Throughout the programme there are several exercises and reflection sessions, where participants receive coaching and peer feedback on their project. At the end of the 4 days, programme participants create a short pitch presentation with an action plan including learnings they take back to their organization. During the get back session participants are asked to present initial results, such as a POC of the project they are working on. Between module 4 and the get back session the opportunity is offered to work with a team of students to develop a proof of concept.

Programme Set-Ups.

Open Programme

Enrolment with participants from different backgrounds.

Customized Programme

Enrolment with participants from one organization or one domain
(such as education, health, public infrastructure etc.) with examples from the specific domain.

Programme Design.

Module 1 - (19-09-2024)

  • Introduction

  • Purpose and value case for XR

  • Fundamentals

  • Inspirantional demos

  • Devoloping yor own XR strategy

Module 2 - (20-09-2020)

  • Practical Applications & oppurtunuties of XR across different domains

  • Dealing with risks and dilemma’s

Module 3 - (03-10-2024)

  • Technology Foundations

  • Content development

  • Products & service development using XR Growth hacking & change management approaches

Module 4 - (04-10-2024)

  • From experiments to operations integration across processes, platforms, and channels

  • Future trends outlook

  • Pitch your perssonal action plan toward panel of experts

  • Closure


  • (PhD) Student Challenge & PoC development

Module 5 - (4-6 December)

  • Reflect & Reconnect with alumni

  • Present results of company project

  • Visit to ITW Rotterdam


Frederike Manders Programme Lead

Programme Partnership & Contribution.