ECDA – CTD: Smart Energy Seminar

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ECDA – CTD: Smart Energy Seminar
19 November 2020 @ 15:00 – 17:00
The Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics (ECDA) and Clean Tech Delta (CTD) invite you to the 3rd smart energy seminar. The seminar series provides a platform for the research, public, and private sector to discuss economic, social, and technological issues around energy decarbonization, decentralization and digitization in academia and industry.
In the third edition of our Smart Energy Seminar, we focus on some of the future challenges in micro-grid systems. Our academic and industrial guest speakers will offer their technical, economic, and technological insights and potential solutions on how microgrids can deal with these future challenges in a smart and efficient way. Our presenters are:
- Stedin – Arjen Zuijerduijn
- Firan – Haike van de Vegte
- Rotterdam School of Management – Mohammad Ansarin
- SEED-energy – Jean-Luc Picot
Stedin — What is the role of the DSO in the emerging micro grids? This will be clarified by Arjen Zuijderduijn from the Dutch DSO Stedin. During the seminar Arjen will present the learnings of both the residential- as the industrial microgrid pilots. What did the ecosystem learn so far and what is still to learn the coming years?
Firan — By making better use of the existing electricity grids we can make the Dutch energy system more sustainable. Haike van de Vegte from Firan will discuss how to physically connect solar and wind projects, large business customers for electricity (such as data centers and hospitals), industrial and business sites with complex energy demands, and cooperatives and other parties that are looking for self-sufficient energy systems. Furthermore, he will discuss the design of decentralized energy systems including software to monitor and optimize the energy flows within these systems.
RSM — Pricing electricity for residential users in the renewable energy era cannot follow the same principles as during the fossil fuel era. Mohammad Ansarin from the Rotterdam School of Management discusses the economic consequences of conventional and novel tariff designs for households, given their increasing ownership of distributed renewable energy systems. We also cover the separate effect of metering infrastructure and how it contributes to the tariff design debate.
SEED-Energy — develops and markets the ODYSSEY software, the tool for investment decision making in new energy systems, like hydrogen or CCU. Jean-Luc Picot will explain and illustrate with case studies, how ODYSSEY can perform a complete technical-economic feasibility study of a multi-use hydrogen system, by building a digital twin of the system, by using dynamic simulation of its operation and AI to optimize sizing and operation.
Time: November 19th, 15:00 – 17:00 (CET)
Location: ZOOM (the link will be sent to the registered participants)
For further questions, please contact Ivo Carels (