A Convergence AI Mixer: Disarming Disinformation with AI

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A Convergence AI Mixer: Disarming Disinformation with AI
7 September 2022 @ 13:00 – 17:00
The Convergence AI brings together the brightest minds from TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University with thought leaders from industry and society to explore pressing AI challenges. In an informal setting these experts exchange views and interact with the audience to find critical pathways for AI research and innovation. The first edition of the AI Mixers will be hosted in Museum Boerhaave in Leiden and be themed: Disarming disinformation with AI
Disinformation, or the act of intentionally spreading false or misleading information to influence public opinion, has become an issue that affects all of us, on a daily basis. Can you still trust the news? What about messages on social media platforms? Are those from real, actual people, or do they come from government-funded ‘troll factories’ that mass-produce false profiles and misleading messages?
In addition to the program all the participants are invited for a guided tour and a preview of the new brAInpower exhibition at the Boerhaave Museum. The exhibition brAInpower is about artificial intelligence and shows what AI is good at, but also what the weaknesses are of AI. How is AI already affecting our lives? And how do we reap the benefits? Diverse applications of AI are also discussed, such as the use of AI in medicine, in creative processes and in the development of ‘smart’ robots. Guest curator of the exhibition is Bas Haring.
João Fernando Ferreira Gonçalves – Assistant professor Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication Department of Media and Communication.
Suzan Verberne – Associate professor at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science of Leiden University.
Natalia Kodenko – Researcher at the Delft University of Technology – Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.
Other speakers from outside of academia will also join the panel and will be announced shortly.
13.00-13.30 Reception
13.30-15.30 Program
15.30-16.00 Speed guided tour of exhibition brAInpower
16.00-17.00 Drinks
The event will be presented in English