Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics white logo SVG
Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics white logo SVG

Community Partnerships

The Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics is collaborating in the context of several regional, national and international partnerships and communities.

Convergence Alliance

The amount of data available has increased enormously, and many Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have proven themselves over the past ten years. AI provides us with important tools to tackle societal challenges. If we do this together and from different disciplines, we can take major leaps forward. That is why the universities of Zuid-Holland and the university medical centres are collaborating in this field. The cooperation between experts in AI, data and digitalization, and experts who apply AI in another scientific domain, is central. In other words: in AI and with AI.

Zuid-Holland AI Hub

The amount of data available has increased enormously, and many Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have proven themselves over the past ten years. AI provides us with important tools to tackle societal challenges. If we do this together and from different disciplines, we can take major leaps forward. That is why the universities of Zuid-Holland and the university medical centres are collaborating in this field. The cooperation between experts in AI, data and digitalization, and experts who apply AI in another scientific domain, is central. In other words: in AI and with AI.

Holland AI unlocks one of the largest AI ecosystems in the Netherlands, consisting of the knowledge institutions in South Holland, the business community and public partners. Holland AI makes the potential of AI in the region visible and focuses on accelerating developments and innovation in the field of AI, data and digitalization. Our focus themes are:

  • Security, Peace and Justice
  • Port and Maritime
  • Energy and sustainability
  • Health and care
  • Technological Industry

Dutch AI Coalition

The NL AIC is a public-private partnership in which the government, the business sector, educational and research institutions, as well as civil society organisations collaborate to accelerate and connect AI developments and initiatives. The ambition is to position the Netherlands at the forefront of knowledge and application of AI for prosperity and well-being. We are continually doing so with due observance of both the Dutch and European standards and values. The NL AIC functions as the catalyst for AI applications in our country.

Innovation Quarter

InnovationQuarter is the regional economic development agency for the Province of Zuid-Holland, also known as the greater Rotterdam – The Hague area. Our mission is to strengthen the regional economic structure by stimulating the innovation potential of this unique delta region. In close collaboration with all major corporations and many SME’s, educational and research institutes as well as government organisations, we align the efforts required to design a brighter tomorrow.

Smart Port Rotterdam

SmartPort is a neutral knowledge platform, stimulating alliances, financing scientific research and provides public knowledge dissemination. The aim is to speed up innovations in the port of Rotterdam. SmartPort is a not for profit partnership of the Port of Rotterdam Authority, Deltalinqs, the Municipality of Rotterdam, the Erasmus University, Delft University of Technology, TNO and Deltares.

Clean Tech Delta

Clean Tech Delta originates and selects ideas, and brings them up to the project phase. It collaborates with its members and partners to close the implementation gap between an idea and a sustainable business. Clean Tech Delta offers business and project support and promotes, coordinates and supports cleantech opportunities. Knowledge institutes, cities and companies join forces to select and initiate repeatable and scalable cleantech initiatives that often involve new combinations of know-how and partnerships in the South Holland region.

Responsible Applied AI - Programme Universities of Applied Sciences

The Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht Universities of Applied Sciences have received a SPRONG grant from Regieorgaan-SIA, with which they – together with 24 partners from the field – can build an infrastructure for a powerful research group. A group that is regionally and nationally recognized as the centre for practice-based research in the field of Responsible Applied AI.

ECDA actively contributes to the initiative as a network partner by connecting new parties and/or spreading knowledge – using its  own platforms, channels and resources – and organizing activities on responsible applied AI

Erasmus Tech Community

Blockchain. Artificial Intelligence. Internet of Things. Big Data. These technologies, amongst other up-and-rising topics in the tech industry, are at the heart of our discussion. The mission of Erasmus Tech Community is to educate the students of Erasmus University about these disruptive changes taking place. ETC actively collaborates with private sector companies (such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, Deloitte, and others) to organize events where companies share their expertise in implementing the above-mentioned technologies in their business. Beyond large scale lectures and workshops, ETC also aims to help companies solve their real business problems by connecting them to the bright talent available at the university.

Erasmus Enterprise

Erasmus Enterprise is a collaborative community dedicated to empowering visionary entrepreneurs. Their unique ecosystem combines the best, multi-disciplinary expertise from Rotterdam and Delft, as well as regional investment funds, in one central location – the EUR Woudestein Campus. Erasmus Enterprise brings together the know-how, resources, and networks of Erasmus Research and Business Support (ERBS), Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE), and Tech Incubator YES!Delft, in a single, unified community: Erasmus Enterprise. By partnering with investment fund UNIIQ, and actively engaging with our alumni investors directly, and through the Graduate Entrepreneur Fund, we extend our regional investment network to all members of our community.


Erasmus X were brought to life by Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) to aid in its mission to accelerate innovation in and around its education. Erasmus X is focused on helping students to develop themselves in the best way they can, so they are prepared to meet the ever-changing demands of the future. Because this future is constantly changing, we’re looking for ways in which education should adapt and innovate so it can continue to valuably impact student lives and serve as a great launch platform for their future careers, while also being available in assisting them during their careers. We try to achieve this by seeking meaningful innovation through unconventional tactics and techniques. Because we operate on the edges of the general confinements of the university, the EUR enables us to work outside the box.
