Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics white logo SVG
Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics white logo SVG

Leadership Challenge with Data Analytics – Regular track

The next edition takes place in October 2024!

Artificial Intelligence will without any doubt change the way we will do business in the future. It is already changing many businesses that we are involved in today. But what is needed to make Artificial Intelligence a valuable part of the way we do business ourselves? Many experts believe that successful Artificial Intelligence applications hinge on the so-called b-smart technologies (Blockchain, Social media, Mobile use, Analytics, Cloud, and Things-on-the-internet better known as IoT). The fueling component of those technologies is Big Data. This insight will require a whole new set of business skills. Understanding and working with new technologies for big data collection, analysis, and prediction will not create only huge business opportunities, but also ethical, legal, privacy, and technical issues concerning every part of the organization. It will influence customer relationships, redefine how firms develop new products and services, change how operations are organized and managed, improve demand and supply networks, and provide the basis for new business models. It will demand a data-driven focus from everyone involved

This training program combines the science of business, data, and societal perspectives. Participants – who usually join a company team of 3 to 5 persons – acquire a broad knowledge and diverse skills related to data analytics which may lead to new insights that drive new value creation opportunities. Such learning by doing manifests itself along two dimensions: across multiple levels (individual, group, and corporate) and multiple functions.

Learning objectives of the programme

  1. Learn the complete data analytics journey, from data exploration, data engineering, data analysis, data visualization up to presenting the insights.
  2. Discover new ways to apply data technologies to design and implement innovative and value-creating business and societal applications.
  3. Improve both the business skills of technically focused data scientists and the capabilities of applying quantitative methods by those in business. Hereby mutual understanding is created, which supports the
  4. Broadens data scientists’ and business members understanding of psychological factors, privacy, security, ethics and accountability and stimulates critical thinking

Unique elements of the programme

  1. Plays a key role in the organisational transformation towards becoming a data-driven organization, as organisations discover in teams how to approach this challenge by doing & experiencing
  2. Action-based / hands-on approach: Developing and improving organization-specific use cases
  3. Engages the participants in multidisciplinary teams with senior executives and supervisors to facilitate the implementation of the business applications in the organization
  4. Inspires participants through the cross-industry, cross-functional and international set up of the programme to learn from experiences in other relevant industries
  5. Individual coaching of teams by both Academics and Business Consultants

The current edition of LCDA program is offered in a blended format.

Programme partnership & contribution

In the programme, we combine research-based insights from leading Professors with industry best practices from leading tech companies, start-ups and inspiring examples of best practice applications of using data and AI.
