We are thrilled to announce that we have signed the Open Urban Platform collaboration covenant! 🚀Last Wednesday, on behalf of Erasmus University Rotterdam, our Executive Director Marcel van Oosterhout officially signed ...
And that’s a wrap! 🎉After two years of hard work, we proudly celebrated and showcased the results of the Smart Campus project during the Smart Campus Final event.Ellen van Schoten, ...
Data-supported work on the campus of the future. That is what Marcel van Oosterhout, director of Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics, has been doing for years. Together with researchers, students ...
Did you attend Urban Future. last week? Here, the innovators and thought-leaders connected together in order to discuss how to make the cities more sustainable. 🌿The executive Director at Erasmus Centre ...
In the Smart Campus Project, real-life data will be used to make campus Woudestein more livable and sustainable. Sensors are placed at various locations on the campus to collect data ...
The City of Rotterdam (part of ECDA's founding partners) was recognized with an award at the UNESCO Netexplo Linking Cities Forum in the ‘Datasphere’ Category with the jury highlighting how "Rotterdam is ...
Digital management of city infrastructure holds the potential to mitigate the increased demand for energy and other resources as those cities grow. By 2050, two thirds of the world population ...
The way that people drive and recharge their hybrid electric vehicles affects the impact they have on clean air. And this has become the subject of research that involved master ...
Managers, entrepreneurs and students explored the pro and cons of the transparency and visibility of data when blockchain is in place at the first Code of Conduct Deep Dive, organised by ...