In collaboration with the Erasmus Tech Community, Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics organized its yearly Data Analytics Summer School. A week with workshops and various programs resulted in the delivery of creative and well-structured presentations by the participant teams. ECDA, ETC, and our partners would like to officially congratulate the winning team who presented the most impressive ideas.

We would like to thank Just Eat Takeaway and Amazon Web Services who as event partners provided the Summer School with interesting cases and support throughout. Just Eat Takeaway focused its case on the CO2 emissions of their deliveries as they intend to better understand the ecological impact of their operations. The participants were asked to analyze relevant data from their sources in order to find possible ways to reduce this emission towards carbon neutrality. Amazon Web Services provided the Summer School with a state of the art technical environment, therefore, students were able to use tools such as Amazon QuickSight and Amazon Sagemaker. Thank you to our partners for making the 2021 Data Analytics Summer School a highly successful event.
We would also like to thank the diverse participants of the Summer School, from fresh graduates of the BIM and BAM master programs to ambitious first year bachelor students. With the increasing importance of data in today’s society the Summer School focused on giving students an opportunity to hone their data science skills regardless of their professional or educational backgrounds. During the week, students were asked to analyze different datasets of a wide range of data science topics, visualize their findings and make presentable conclusions for end customers. The curriculum for the week provided students with workshops for mastering tools necessary for the cases and also introduction to higher level topics such as the power of visualization.
Due to the success of the 2021 Data Analytics Summer School we hope to host the event in the upcoming years as well. If you or your company is interested in working with us to make the next Summer School as successful as this one, we encourage you to connect with us. We always like to connect with likeminded individuals and companies who aim to help students learn more about data and AI.